Safeguarding 2 of 3

2. Working With Children


All the Club's volunteers and employees working with, or in contact with young people should:

  • be are aware of the problem of child abuse in all its forms;
  • safeguard players from abuse or danger through good practice;
  • report all concerns about possible mal-practice, or other actions leading to abuse;
  • respond appropriately when mal-practice or abuse is observed or suspected.

As part of the RFU's commitment to Child Protection and the 'UR Safe in RU' campaign, all Panthers' coaches, administrators and observers have signed the RFU recommended self-declaration form acknowledging their respect of and commitment to young people.

An appropriately qualified 'Child Welfare Officer' is appointed to deal with all matters of child protection or allied issues.

All volunteers and club employees working with children, will complete the Criminal Record Bureau 'Disclosure' application for clearance to work with children.


All adults working with, coaching, supervising or watching young players either at Chesterfield or at other venues are expected to observe CRUFC's Codes of Conduct and the Equity in Sport statement published in the Youth Rugby Handbook and displayed within the Club.

All such adults are encouraged to attend an accredited Child Protection course.


All coaches, assistant coaches and helpers are encouraged to take and complete the appropriate RFU Mini/Midi, Youth or Adult coaching qualifications as currently available.

'Coaches' should hold Level One or their equivalent; all age group 'Lead Coaches' should hold at least the Level Two qualification.

Chesterfield Panthers Safeguarding Officers

Rachel Traveller

Sharon Taylor